Ofsea English Editing

来源于:本站 添加日期:2006-12-7





Booklet One: Undergraduate Study from the If You Want to Study in the United States Series

第一册:本科学习 --> 点击下载


Booklet Two: Graduate and Professional Study and Research from the If You Want to Study in the United States Series

第二册:研究生和职业学习与研究 --> 点击下载


Booklet Three: Short-Term Study, English Language Programs, Distance Education and Accreditation from the If You Want to Study in the United States Series

第三册:短期培训、英语培训和远程教育 --> 点击下载


Booklet Four: Getting Ready to Go: Practical Information for Living and Studying in the United States Series

第四册:行前准备 --> 点击下载



由ETS公布的托福机考真题 --> 点击下载


一整套全真试题含答案 --> 点击下载

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