Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (1.a)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
1. What is an Essay
a. What is an Essay?
After receiving your written assignment you start a research. Online you can find a lot of definitions of an essay such as: “A short literary composition dealing with a single subject usually written from the personal point of view of its author who may not attempt completeness…” or “A short work that treats of a topic from an author's personal point of view, often taking into account subjective experiences and personal reflections upon them…” All of the definitions are quite correct and express one idea in different ways. An essay is a creation of your own that is meant to show your knowledge of material, ability to analyze and structure and, finally, determine your grade.

Written assignments can cause various emotions from excitement to frustration, but their importance should not be underestimated. Therefore before doing an actual research, find out general principles of the assignment (that are also provided in this guide). After getting acquainted with the main points, you’ll facilitate your task and make the process more enjoyable.

As it was mentioned before, an essay is a creation of your own and has to be a reflection of your ideas and convictions. There is a great number of approaches to essay writing and you can choose any, but be sure that this is the most convenient way to express your opinion and show your knowledge to the advantage.

It is a well known fact, that it is extremely difficult to force somebody to do something against his will. Turn essay writing into an enjoyable process:

  • Think over the idea;
  • Do a research;
  • Materialize thoughts into sentences;
  • Enjoy the fruits of your work.
Essay writing will require a deep analysis of the collected facts, a lot of effort and concentration of you. It is really an undertaking. But the effort is worth taking. Because the writing process is so absorbing and rewarding. Besides, you will have one more reason to be proud of yourself after completing your own essay.

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