Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (1.d)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
1. What is an Essay
d. Explanation Essay
The main function of an explanation essay is to clear up the issue of the research, describe it and reveal the essence of the matter in a brief and coherent way. To make the work easier, apply the following questions to your thesis statement:
  • What/Who?
  • Why?
  • What for?
  • When?
  • How?

If your essay contains the answers to these questions you are more likely to reveal the topic to the fullest. Before you get started, it is a good idea to make a relative plan, where you state the points you want to mention as a special feature of the matter. It will save time in structuring the main body and forming the conclusion afterwards.

Your introduction should tell what you are going to explain and why you chose it as your topic. Your thesis statement should include a bit of all the aspects you mention in your plan and the other structural part of your essay will reveal the details of every aspect.

The main body is likely to consist of more than one paragraph. If your thesis statement consists of several aspects, you should evaluate each of them in a separate paragraph. In the main body you have to develop your thoughts backing them up with trustworthy evidence. You have to sound convincing. The main task of this essay is to show that you are knowledgeable in this sphere.

A conclusion is a paragraph where you state the definition of the problem you made out of the sources you’ve used. Your conclusion is a concise summary of the essay; therefore you are to make it logical and solid. Proofread your work a couple of times and make necessary corrections. It is a well-known fact that it is more difficult to proofread yourself than the other person. Ask anyone you respect to do it but if it is impossible, try to be as objective as possible. After all necessary preparations and revision you may be sure that your essay is nicely completed.

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