Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (1.i)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
1. What is an Essay
i. The Classification Essay
A classification essay is a type of a written assignment that is meant to classify the matters or otherwise to evaluate each of them and place them under corresponding category.

A classification essay is a composite of may other assignment types, though this definition may seem misleading. To assess each matter you need to do a research, compare and contrast several aspects and persuade the intended reader in your point of view. As you can see in this way you have three types of written assignments combined in one that is considered to be the hardest.

To write an effective classification essay you may do the following:

  • Do a research on the matters you are to classify
  • Compare them (cerate a chart with two columns for your convenience)
  • Establish the factor that is going to be a deciding one in your classification
  • Make an outline of your essay in the form of a detailed plan of introduction, the main body and conclusion
  • Decide on volume and the style you are going to use

Your introduction should contain general information on the matters and give a determination of the thesis statement. If you decided to place all the matters you have under one or two categories, state this firmly in the statement and hold it in front of you during the writing process. You should mention the results of your research in brief.

In the main body you present your reader with the proof. Your task is to convince the reader that these matters all have to fall under one or the other classification. You use your comparison and contrast results to reach the goal. Do not forget to give each idea a separate paragraph.

A conclusion gives you an opportunity to summarize the results and prove or deny the thesis statement.

Proofreading is the part of writing process, no matter how tired you are. Make sure to read through the essay for 2-3 times before turning it in.

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