Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (2.d)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
2. Collecting the material
d. Doing Research and Presenting Evidence
Essay writing turns on most of your talents and skills. Before the first word of the essay appears on the paper, you will have to fulfil significant pre-writing assignments. These include research and developing the strategy of evidence presentation. These two processes are closely interrelated. Research is essential as it supplies you with the evidence to support your main idea (thesis). You also must know how to entail the supporting material you have found into your essay to win your case.

Research process involves 3 stages: preparing, evaluating, analyzing.

During preparing for the research you:

  • brainstorm the possible sources of information;
  • make your topic more specific;
  • plan your research process.

During evaluating stage you:

  • select the most credible and reliable source to look for information;
  • find these sources;
  • point out the information to answer your essay question.

During analyzing stage you:

  • study closely the information you have found and pick out the material to be included in your essay;
  • arrange the evidence in logical order;
  • form your own opinion on the major points of the collected material.

The advice suggested below will help you to save time and stick to the topic while doing research:

Paraphrase the topic of your essay into a question. – Your search will be purposeful and to the point.

Decide on key words for your search. (Who, Where, What and When of your essay question).

Seek for answers to particular questions, do not peruse everything on the subject that comes your way.

Think and ask yourself questions as you investigate your topic. This way your work will be more quality and relevant.

Once you found the answers to all the questions of your paper, look no further. Stop. It is time to think how to make the most of your valuable find.

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