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Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (3.f)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
3. Tips on organizing your essay
f. Academic STYLE - Clear Style
Like any other well-done work, a good writing is the result of regular practice, persistent training and diligence. A famous novelist once confessed that, writing is about 90 per cent perspiration and 10 per cent inspiration. Probably such statistics may discourage you, but look at it from the other perspective: if you are determined, if you work and if you do your best, you will gradually make progress in writing.

Writing at college and university is different in many ways from written assignments at high school. No doubt that writing experience you acquired at high school will contribute to your writing success at college, but it is not enough.

Writing for college is usually referred to as “academic writing”. There may be various definitions to it, but before you complete your first academic paper, remember the three characteristic features of academic writing:

  • Academic writing has a deeper scientific insight into the matter and suggests thorough research.
  • writing focuses on subjects interesting for scholars. It is not just a personal view on the problem. You should write something of practical use to your audience. So you may show some issue in a new light or help the reader have a better understanding of your topic.
  • Academic writing introduces a good argument. A good argument suggests arguing the case and informing the reader about the case.

One of the most complicated aspects of academic writing is finding the right tone and style for your academic written assignment.

Many students try to impress their professors with highly- eloquent and scholarly language and complicated sentence structure. It does not work. Professors expect you to submit a clear and intelligent piece of writing free of complicated scientific terms.

Mind the following tips for creating an appropriate style and tone of your paper:

  • Make your point clearly and briefly.
  • Adopt a persuasive manner of telling a story.
  • Base your judgments more on facts than feelings.
  • Do not overuse the personal pronoun” I “. (It makes your writing rather subjective).
  • Make sure your paper is free of mechanical mistakes.

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