Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (7.d)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
7. Capitalization
d. Using Apostrophe in the Possessive Case
The possessive Case of the Nouns ‘/‘s conveys the following meanings:
  • Possession – my elder brother’s car, my friends’ photos;
  • Relationship – the chairman’s secretary;
  • Measurement - ten days’ vacation.

You can form the possessive case using ‘/ ‘s depending on each particular case. Study the rules in the table below to form possessives correctly.

Add‘s Add'
For nouns in singular: the manager’s papers; For nouns ending in –s Dickens’ novels (though ‘s is also possible: Dickens’s). But for nouns ending in –ss apostrophe s is more common to avoid confusion in pronunciation – boss’s car )
For irregular plural nouns not ending in –s: children’s toys For plural nouns ending in –s: my parents’ house

In compound nouns the apostrophe s is added to the last word: my mother-in-law's present.

To indicate joint ownership add 's to the last noun: Bill and Steve’s music store.

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