Ofsea English Editing

One Size Does Not Fit All: Choosing the Best
来源于:本站 添加日期:2006-2-7
One Size Does Not Fit All: Choosing the Best Résumé Format
By Arlene S. Hirsch, author 'Job Search and Career Checklists'

Your experience and target objective are the best determinants of what résumé format makes the most sense for you.

Chronological résumés are, by far, the most recognized and widely used format to present your qualifications. The hallmark of this résumé format is that it presents your work history in reverse chronological order. This enables employers to scan your résumé quickly to determine whether you have the right qualifications and experience for the job. If your background is a less-than-perfect match, you may need to consider alternative styles that present your qualifications differently.

Functional résumés are also sometimes referred to as "skills-based résumés" because they place the emphasis on what you can do rather than on what you have done in the past. This format enables you to de-emphasize work history and focus on your skill set. It also enables you to group relevant skill sets together for greater emphasis. But the format comes with caveat emptor: Some employers are suspicious of this format because they suspect you may be trying to hide something from them.

Combined résumés include elements of both the chronological and functional formats. They may include a shorter chronology of job descriptions preceded by short Skills and Accomplishments section or a Summary of Qualifications that includes major skills and accomplishments.

Targeted résumés are created with specific jobs (or job objectives) in mind. If you keep your résumé in a file on your computer, it should be relatively easy to tailor each résumé to the specific job you are applying for.

Scannable résumés are much like traditional résumés minus the formatting. They have all of the same headings and information but don't include boldface, underlining, bullets, italics, font changes and other design characteristics so they can be scanned electronically. Many employers search résumés for keywords, so you need to review any known employment information (job title, responsibilities and so on) and include that language in the body of your résumé. Scannable résumés are also good to use when you are applying for a job online because they don't lose their formatting when you send them via e-mail.

Curriculum vitae (CVs) are created specifically for academic jobs. The CV is usually much longer than a traditional résumé because it includes a complete list of grants, research projects, publications and presentations.

Portfolios are visual résumés that are often used by people in creative or artistic fields to showcase their work. They may be presented in oversized leather or plastic briefcases and contain pictures, photographs, articles, illustrations and other creative products, and they are often accompanied by a traditional résumé.

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